Daniel's Epic Website n' Stuff

Art I Made

Here is some art that I made lol

sunky teim

Sunky havin a blast at teh party!!1 (This was something I made for a digital design class)

Ralsei Keke

Keke from Baba is You with the hat of Ralsei from Deltarune.


A recreation of a funny meme I saw but with me.

A goblin army is approching!

Baldi having a nice nap underground with the skeleton merchant while Walter White and Bob Ross (both of which I didnt feel like drawing) are forced to endure goblins and blood moons (based on a terraria playthrough with my friends)

Baba and Hmn Baba

Baba with my interpetation of a human version of Baba


A small comic with the antics of Baba and Badbad (I really like this game if you cant tell)

final project

A recreation of the island from Baba is You (this was what I submited for my final in the digital design class)

You have a Pizza Face

Pizzaface from Pizza Tower


Bro why he celebrating he JUST got here!! (Inspired by something funny that happened when playing the Roblox game "Block Tales")


A snurp from Miitopia. I asked my brother for something to draw and this is the result

Baba and the border

Baba gazing out past the island

spooky month

Me doing the dance from Sr Pelo's "Spooky Month" series


From what i remember, this was an animated recreation of my PC setup at the time, but now it looks completley different (another thing i made for my digital design class)

le spooky

A couple characters from Baba is You dressed as characters from other games


A silly Rain World Comic based on a silly Spongebob comic

And my Magnum Opus...
